patriot act renewal 2011 senate

patriot act renewal 2011 senate
Harry Reid, Rand Paul spar over Patriot Act on Senate floor.Senate Debate on PATRIOT Act Extension.
May 26, 2011. May 26, 2011. The U.S. Senate voted to advance a four-year extension of provisions of the USA Patriot Act allowing law enforcement to track .
May 26, 2011. WASHINGTON -- The abrupt decision by Senate leadership on. Senate advances PATRIOT Act extension. 12:18 AM on 05/30/2011.
Senator Rand Paul Statement on PATRIOT Act Renewal. Feb 9, 2011. WASHINGTON, D.C. -On Tuesday, Feb. 8, the House attempted to once again pass a .
Feb 15, 2011. The Senate voted this evening to extend troublesome Patriot Act provisions through May 27, 2011. The provisions are set to expire at the end of .
May 26, 2011. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul wants a full debate on the PATRIOT Act. What's. should actually debate the PATRIOT Act before voting to renew it yet again: Sen. ..
US Senate Extends Unconstitutional Patriot Act Until June 1, 2015.
May 26, 2011. May 26, 2011. The U.S. Senate voted to advance a four-year extension of provisions of the USA Patriot Act allowing law enforcement to track .
May 26, 2011. WASHINGTON -- The abrupt decision by Senate leadership on. Senate advances PATRIOT Act extension. 12:18 AM on 05/30/2011.
Senator Rand Paul Statement on PATRIOT Act Renewal. Feb 9, 2011. WASHINGTON, D.C. -On Tuesday, Feb. 8, the House attempted to once again pass a .
Feb 15, 2011. The Senate voted this evening to extend troublesome Patriot Act provisions through May 27, 2011. The provisions are set to expire at the end of .
May 26, 2011. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul wants a full debate on the PATRIOT Act. What's. should actually debate the PATRIOT Act before voting to renew it yet again: Sen. ..
May 23, 2011. WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Sen. Rand Paul spoke on the Senate floor regarding the extension of the USA PATRIOT Act and introduced eight .
S.990: PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress.
S.1038: PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress.
Senate Clashes Over Long-Term Patriot Act, Grassley Calls for.
May 11, 2011. S.990 - PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011. Question: On Motion to Concur in the Senate Amendment to the House Amendment: S 990 .
patriot act renewal 2011 senate
Obama signs Patriot Act extension after many liberal Democrats.
Deafening Liberal Silence as the Senate Moves to Extend the Patriot.